Use "standardization|standardizations" in a sentence

1. Zsh Completions standardization

2. The main advantages of Containerization are: Standardization

3. Standardization of Cut Flowers (GE.9) - adjourned sine die

4. Higgins Awardis sponsored by the Board on Standardization and Testing

5. And we see this in the inexorable march towards standardization.

6. The International Organization for Standardization provides the European standard for Safety footwear.

7. In this paper, we propose a implementation scenario of model standardization based on analyzing and summing up different model, and present the format description of the model standardization.

8. Standardization of Eggs and Egg Products (GE.8) - adjourned sine die

9. - provide, as a spin-off via national channels, input to standardization bodies.

10. Standardization of IgG subclass Antiserums for use with sensitized red cells

11. Canal standardization, cross - strait dike is flat, river water is clear.

12. First of all, it is the frenzied standardization to which the European Union aspires.

13. (a) Improvement of standardization of analytical methods, especially for NOX, hydrocarbons and photochemical oxidants.

14. It feeds twice as many humans on Earth, but has replaced diversity with standardization.

15. standardization: development of standards whose purpose is to align formalities, procedures, documents, information, and operations.

16. Implementation of telephone eBilling, completion of software user acceptance testing and standardization of telephone billing

17. The purported “standardization” by the Greek Cypriot Committee is ultra vires, and void ab initio.

18. Moreover, the difference relates to the degree of product standardization and responsiveness to local business environment.

19. Its promulgation market a new stage in the standardization and legalization of China's invoice management work.

20. Those analytical methods refer to certain standards established by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

21. Some of the most significant risk factors for organizations adopting CASE technology include: Inadequate standardization.

22. The standardized management of GMP document administrate the production process in pharmaceutical enterprises in standardization.

23. The thoroughly changed sonoanatomy, however, exacts a strict standardization of cross sections and positions.

24. The standardization effort consisted mainly of combining these two (Roman and Gallican) regional liturgies.

25. Division of labour leads to standardization of products due to the possibility of mechanization.

26. Being encouraged by standardization bootes like IEEE or ECMA this development surely will notchange in the future.

27. many existing way of thought concept ? value system 、 comportment standardization 、 cultural production 、 social prevailing and < ...

28. Biologicals is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal and the official journal of the International Alliance for Biological Standardization. The journal covers research on the development, production, quality control, and standardization of biological derived from both novel and established biotechnologies.

29. For the purpose of standardization, the intensity of agglutination in the microtest plate had to be defined.

30. The standardization efforts of ITU commenced in 1865 with the formation of the International Telegraph Union (ITU).

31. It is also responsible for the coordination of the Canadian portion of the American, British, Canadian, Australian (with New Zealand) Armies’ Standardization Program (ABCA) and for various NATO Standardization Agency (NSA) working groups and other comparable bodies.

32. An age-specific standardization of electrophysiologic parameters, measured during EPS, does not seem to be required.

33. At present, standardization of cutoff points and criteria to determine osteoporosis among the different devices is unsatisfactory.

34. 2 Preparation And Standardization Of Solutions For Acidimetry And Alkalimetry DATA SHEET Date Submitted Grp No

35. Successful treatment of thymic carcinoma and carcinoid tumor requires an individualized multimodal therapy aiming at standardization.

36. These included construction code, sport fishing, standardization of drinking water sanitation, and issuance of vendor permits.

37. These include harmonizing and simplification of customs and other procedures, standardization, reciprocal recognition tests and certification and banking facilities.

38. The Standards Council of Canada accredits Canadian standards development organizations and coordinates Canada's input in international standardization work.

39. According to the regulation required by STCW78/ maritime administration should make assessment for standardization of seaman competency periodically.

40. Boilerplate documents are commonly used for efficiency and to increase standardization in the structure and language of legal documents, including …

41. The International Organization for Standardization have released a series of Standards for the establishment and management of supply-chain security.

42. The present paper claims that companies have to take into account several criteria to answer the standardization/adaption question.

43. A kinetic analysis of the renin-Angiotonin pressor system and the standardization of the enzymes renin and angiotonase

44. It is also critical to have good item master management to manage contract compliance and product standardization initiatives.

45. Shipyard work continued until 17 March, when Alabama got underway for standardization trials and refresher training along the southern California coast.

46. The most frustrating thing about cooking with Chiles both fresh and dry is the lack of standardization in naming

47. The Legal Language of Scottish Burghs Standardization and Lexical Bundles (1380-1560) Joanna Kopaczyk Oxford Studies in Language and Law

48. Methods The evaluation was performed in accordance with the evaluation criteria established by International Council for Standardization in Haematology(ICSH).

49. (e) the European standardization bodies to accelerate the preparation of harmonized standards, in particular those covering the Directive on machinery;

50. In the years immediately following 2000, planners decided to switch to server-based applications with a high degree of standardization.

51. In fact, PSC is a subjective test, the standardization in course of implementing PSC has a great influence on the test result.

52. The Board is a joint inter-ministerial and academic body, responsible for coordinating and accelerating the efforts towards the standardization of geographical names

53. This also applies to the buyer's statutory right to protection from defects in acquired products, in short to a standardization of warranty law.

54. Participants discussed the proposal of the coordinator of General MS initiative to develop standards for MS requirements within European standardization bodies.

55. The studies on origins, macrograph of crude drugs and main microscopic characteristics are provided for their resource developing and drug standardization.

56. Fundamentals of Cataloging (FOC) begins with a discussion of how Cataloging assists users in finding resources and of the value of standardization of practice

57. The Gini coefficient (GC, range: 0–1) is a measurement of the level of standardization when an economical ABC analysis is performed.

58. DARPA's Transmission Control Protocol was to connect the computers through gateways and the International Organization for Standardization designed the OSI reference model

59. To market turkey carcases and parts across international borders, the appropriate legislative requirements of food standardization and veterinary control must be complied with

60. The Board is a joint inter-ministerial and academic body, responsible for coordinating and accelerating the efforts towards the standardization of geographical names.

61. And we did not know that U.S. intelligence agencies go to extremes such as infiltrating standardization bodies to sabotage encryption algorithms on purpose.

62. Address standardization is a po sitive step toward improved Address quality and is a cost-effective operation for both postal customers and the Postal Service

63. Codifying a language can vary from case to case and depends on the stage of standardization that might have already occurred naturally

64. North Holland makes up a single region of the International Organization for Standardization world region code system, having the code ISO 3166-2:NL-NH.

65. 29 With the cure of standardization, the service that human nature changes, guide friend of broad lose one's hair to walk out of remedial error.

66. APPENDIX B ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND ADDRESSES OF STANDARDS ORGANIZATIONS ISO International Organization for Standardization Geneva, Switzerland Standards can be obtained in Canada from:

67. The Board is a joint inter-ministerial and academic body, responsible for coordinating and accelerating the efforts directed towards the standardization of geographical names

68. The standardization of claims Acutances serves many purposes, including increased clarity of coverage for policyholders and greater comparability of policies from divers offices

69. Fundamentals of Cataloging (FOC) begins with a discussion of how Cataloging assists users in finding resources and of the value of standardization of practice

70. 28 Historical logic rationality would unify that two in order to search logical confirmatory and standardization from historical development, and remove mysticism, mistiness and relativism.

71. Both the miniaturization and standardization of CPUs have increased the presence of digital devices in modern life far beyond the limited application of dedicated computing machines.

72. Aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation in standardization, conformity assessment and product safety through advancing bilateral economic and technical cooperation, intensifying dialogue and promoting coordinated activities in international organizations.

73. The urgency of improvement of current terminological standardization work in China is emphasized and potential problems that might arise from our tasks ahead are pointed out for attention.

74. What is Comparability? Comparability is the level of standardization of accounting information that allows the financial statements of multiple organizations to be compared to each other

75. Continued improvements of buildings’ thermal insulation, installation of a new AA class air conditioning system, installation of double flush water cistern and standardization of construction materials

76. In this paper the standardization work of reagent chemicals in China is reviewed, and on this basis suggestions for improvements in the forthcoming years are made.

77. Bobs offers technical services in the areas of standardization, testing of goods, certification of products, industrial & trade metrology, quality management systems, environmental management systems, information and training.

78. 21 SD rate variable fundamental in-tree modeling not only realizes standardization of modeling but also is beneficial to calculation of feedback loops and perspicuity of feedback analysis.

79. ANSI and ISO adopted the Codasyl database specifications under the name Network Database Language (NDL), with work taking place within the same working group (X3H2) as SQL standardization.

80. If you live only once, in one-life cultures around the world, you will see an obsession with binary logic, absolute truth, standardization, absoluteness, linear patterns in design.